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School Safety


The Fairburn Safety Committee is continuously working to ensure the safety of our children in the event of an emergency during school hours. Our school has an Emergency Plan and the staff has been trained and prepared to provide emergency care for our students. We also request that parents help to prepare their children by talking to them about what to do at home in case of an emergency such as an earthquake. Take a few minutes to create or review your family-home plan so you are prepared.

Following is an outline of the procedures we have in place in the event of an emergency situation during school hours.

In the event of an emergency, the campus is closed to all parents and the public until the safety of all students has been assured and until systems and procedures have been set in motion for the orderly release of students to parents (or people named on the student’s Emergency Information Form). Depending on the exact nature of the emergency, children and staff will be either evacuated to the yard (for instance in the case of an earthquake) or kept in their classrooms (in the need of a “lockdown” on campus).

Parents will be notified of the emergency through the automated phone system, via text message, and via Facebook. Be sure that your contact information on your Emergency Information Form is always up to date.

Parents will not be allowed on campus. Children will be released, but only after full search and rescue operations have been completed. It may take several hours to set up release procedures and complete search and rescue operations. We urge your patience and cooperation in this regard.

Teachers and Safety Committee volunteers will remain with the children until everyone has been picked up. Parents should report to the Request Gate, on Westholme Avenue, to request your child. Your child will be brought to the Reunion Gate, on Ohio Avenue, for pick-up once you have requested him/her. Do not go to the child’s classroom or to the school office. Identification will be required to pick up your child. Only those people identified on your Emergency Information Form will be able to pick up your child.

Please note that the Safety Committee has adequate emergency supplies stored in the large trailer near the cafeteria that will be available to meet needs of all students if they are kept at school in the event of an emergency. Emergency roles for staff and procedures are established and rehearsed. During an actual event, only those parents who serve on the Safety Committee will be admitted to the campus. 


Morning drop-off can be a fraught process: kids don’t want to be rushed, you are late to work, a toddler is squawking in the back-seat. We’ve all been there! However, it is imperative that we all observe procedures that have been established to keep everyone safe and that follow parking and traffic regulations, whether you are coming by foot or in a car.

Dos and Don’ts

DON’T park on Rochester Avenue on the south (school) side between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. unless you manage to get one of the few spots available just east of the Rochester gate. Parking elsewhere on this side of the street during school hours is illegal and your car could be ticketed.

DON’T pull into the school staff parking lot to drop off children as it blocks staff from entering and creates a serious hazard when you back out of the lot into crowds of rushing children.

DON’T double park ANYWHERE near the school and allow your child to jump out. This includes double parking in front of the Rochester gate, which creates congestion and is a safety hazard. If you do not have time to park, make use of the carline on Ohio Avenue, which is quick and safe.

DON’T jaywalk if you are travelling on foot; always cross in the designated crosswalks.

DO find a legal spot on a nearby street and walk your child to the Ohio or Rochester entrances, using the crosswalks and looking both ways before crossing.

DO remember that children are easily distracted when they see their friends and can forget to follow the safety rules that adults follow instinctively. 

Thank you for your cooperation.